Amazon Alexa’s announces new AI features for 2024

Amazon Alexa's features

2024 promises an exciting new wave in artificial intelligence. We now move out of the fervent exploratory phase as the world jumps to embrace AI into more of our day-to-day lives, and Amazon Alexa is no different.

At the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Amazon announced several AI-related enhancements, let’s dig into three of our favourites and what this could mean for the disability space:

1. Generative AI

Alexa's getting smarter and more personal. Amazon partnered with developers Character.AI to launch a feature where you can have real-time chats with virtual versions of historical figures, get fitness tips from a custom-made trainer, or even engage in role-playing games with your own voice! This new release opens up a world of possibilities for entertainment, learning, and even emotional support.

Generative AI could also be used to further develop personalised routines and reminders for medication, exercise, or even mental health check-ins - an exciting advancement that provides a glimpse into a future where technology actively predicts support when physical human intervention cannot.

2. Music therapy with Splash

Mountains of research support the profound benefits of music therapy for people with disabilities, impacting both physical and psychological well-being which is why this new feature, developed by Splash has made the list. The Amazon developer released an interactive audio tool that lets you create music at home, no special equipment needed - choose a genre, sing and download.

3. Brain games with Volley

Remember the classic "20 Questions"? Volley just gave it a 21st-century makeover with its AI-powered version. This isn't just a game; it's a chance to interact with Alexa in a new way, testing her logic and having some fun along the way. Regular gameplay can help maintain cognitive function and keep the mind active and the use cases are excitingly:

  • Encourage strategic thinking, problem-solving, and recall skills through playful questioning.

  • Exercise the brain and tailor difficulty levels to match individual abilities and provide gentle memory jogging.

  • Improve verbal communication by sparking meaningful conversations and storytelling.

Embracing Technology as a Partner

These are just a few highlights, but what excites us most is the potential. Loneliness can be a big challenge, especially for older adults or those with mobility limitations. Virtual characters and interactive games can offer much-needed companionship and social interaction.

For people who live alone or face mobility challenges, forming social connections can be difficult. This is where these technological advancements truly shine. They offer a safe space for conversation, for sharing thoughts and feelings without judgement. It should be noted that this isn't about replacing human interaction, but rather complementing it, providing that spark of companionship and mental stimulation.

And even the seemingly playful additions like Splash and Volley hold their own power against loneliness. Creating music, expressing creativity, engaging in a playful game – these are all activities that can boost mood, spark joy, and remind individuals that we're not alone in our desire for connection.

At Homeable, we believe everyone deserves to feel safe, connected, and empowered in their homes and seeing tech giants like Amazon investing in accessible technology makes us excited for what lies ahead.

If you, or someone you know could benefit from smart home technology in the home, book a free consultation for yourself or refer a client.


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